San Francisco’s Internet Archive fighting erasure of DEI, Jan. 6 materials
Archivists with the organization’s Wayback Machine now trying to predict what Trump might scrub next
I want to get off the Muni carousel of cuts and deficits
Amid a nationwide crisis of transit, S.F. is stuck with a 1970s mentality that could wreck the agency for the future
Local organizations reliant on federal money are scrambling to deal with attempted funding freeze
'We don’t know what the future will bring'
Mayor Lurie’s freeze on contracts throws yet another wrench in the great custom trash can debacle
The city has been working to replace those green bins for years, but the dream of a perfect can seems farther away now than ever
San Francisco’s Innocence Commission seems to have been on hiatus for nearly a year
The commission, tasked with looking for wrongful convictions on behalf of the District Attorney, hasn’t met since April 2024
Welcome to the age of AI-driven discrimination
'AI accountability is out and tech infrastructure is in,' a policy expert told Gazetteer SF
Two of the city’s biggest political groups are merging — but it looks more like crisis response than evolution
TogetherSF and Neighbors for a Better SF spent millions on the November election, with little to show for it. Will joining forces get them any more?
Inauguration day took Mayor Lurie from a packed Civic Center speech to a massive street party in Chinatown
SF residents expressed cautious optimism to Gazetteer SF about big swings on the mayor’s 100-day agenda
City Hall newcomer Chyanne Chen faces a tough task amid San Francisco’s looming budget deficit
The District 11 supervisor-elect is inheriting a neighborhood full of vacant storefronts and fed-up business owners
There’s no way the traffic from the Great Highway closure will be as bad as critics say it will
Even during the peak of rush hour, it was pretty easy to get around the Sunset — and the Upper Great Highway itself was basically empty